
Advertise with MHSDA

If you already have an existing membership account with MHSDA, please click here to log into your account before continuing with sponsorship. Otherwise, please contact us if you would like to become a sponsor but do not have a membership account.

Take Advantage Of Great Opportunities To Reach NY-Metro's Security Directors

Your sponsorship helps to further our mission of advancing the security and safety of the hospitals, clinics, medical offices, nursing homes and other care facilities throughout our region.

Partner Banner

Provide direct access to your company's website, special promotion or other web page.

Term (Please Select)
6 months - $600
12 months - $1000

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Featured Solution

Highlight your company's latest product release, success story, seminar or educational materials.

Term (Please Select)
6 months - $850
12 months - $1500

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Event Sponsorship

Get in front of your target market and reinforce your brand authority by sponsoring an MHSDA Event. This sponsorship includes an opportunity to showcase your product/service at our networking event and a free year of advertising on our website.

Level (Please Select)
Platinum Sponsor - $4000
Gold Sponsor - $2000

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Golf Sponsorship

Join us at our annual charity golf outing for outstanding networking opportunities. Multiple sponsorships can be purchased, contact us at admin@mhsda.org to inquire about what's included with each offering.

Level (Please Select)
Platinum Sponsor - $4000
Gold Sponsor - $2000
Foursome Sponsor - $1200
Dinner Sponsor - $500

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Please login to your member account or contact us to continue with a sponsorship purchase.


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